Incisione ottocentesca su rame raffigurante l'esploratore e naturalista tedesco Friedrich Heinrich Alexander Freiherr von Humboldt (Berlino, 1769-1859). Paris, René, 1842. [110681]
€ 15 00
Lotto di quattro acquarelli di zone dell'Alta Garfagnana. 1821. [160414]
€ 2.200 00
MISCELLANEOUS WORKS OF THE LATE PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF CHESTERFIELD. Consisting of Letters to his Friends, never before printed, and various other articles. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of his Life, tending to illustrate the civil, literary, and political History of his Time. By M. Maty M.D. The Second Edition, in four Volumes. With the Appendix containing sexteen Characters of Great Personages and Letters written by the same noble Earl. London, For Edward and Charles Dilly in the Poultry, 1779. [163130]
€ 120 00
UNE SEMAINE A VENISE. Guide illustré. Venise, Colombo Coen, 1880. [132104]
€ 80 00
UNE VISITE A LA CHARTREUSE PRES DE PAVIE. Milan, Boniardi Pogliani, 1861. [133200]
€ 35 00
ANDERSEN Hans Christian.
THE IMPROVISATORE or LIFE IN ITALY. From the Danish of Hans Christian Andersen. By Mary Howitt. A new and carefully corrected Edition. London, Ward, Lock and Tyler, 1870 circa. [163942]
€ 400 00
ARTAUD De MONTOR Aléxis - François.
VOYAGE DANS LES CATACOMBES DE ROME. Paris, Schoell, 1810. [130191]
€ 50 00
ARTAUD De MONTOR Alexis François / GIGAULT de la SALLE Achille Étienne.
ITALIE / SICILE. L'Univers: Histoire et description de tous les peuples, de leurs religions, moeurs, coutumes, industries, etc. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1835. [150401]
€ 250 00
AN ACCOUNT OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF ITALY. With Observations on the Mistakes of Some Travellers, with Regard to That Country. London, Printed for T. Davies, in Russel Street, and L. Davis and C. Rymers, in Holborn, 1768. [162599]
€ 320 00
BARTHELEMY Jean Jacques.
VOYAGE EN ITALIE DE L'ABBE' BARTHELEMY DE L'ACADÈMIE FRANÇAISE. De celle des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, et auteur du Voyage d'Anacharsis; imprimé sur ses lettres originales écrites au Comte de Caylus. Avec un Appendice, où se trouvent des morceaux inédits de Winckelmann, du P. Jacquier, de l'Abbé Zarillo, Académicien d'Herculanum et Antiquaire du Roi de Naples, et d'autres Savans; publié par A. Sérieys, Bibliotécaire du Prytanée. A Paris, Chez F. Buisson, 1801. [139521]
€ 150 00